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Alec Pizziferro

XR Developer, Programmer, CS Student, Fishkeeper

games I've worked on


A full-physics VR simulation that lets you explore worlds and create expereiences with your friends. Has many advanced never-before-seen methods of syncing fully articulated characters, with very little limits to fidelity. Runs on Quest 2 and PCVR. I made this header!


Kill the King

A physics based multiplayer co-op assasination game. Part of my work at Quantum Lion Labs. Created various content.

Falling Sneaking
 Netcode for GameObjects

Immersion Sector

A unreleased physics based multiplayer game where I created a new type of multiplayer VR interactions. Various body physics and IK work was also done to create an accurate representation of a human body in VR. Specialized Netcode was written in order to solve the shared object interaction problem that comes with multiplayer VR.

mpgif mpgif mpgif


A game made in 72 hours for Amber Waves of Games. Players must navigate horrid creatures using their voice as power for a flashlight. Created powerups and shout mechanic.


Project Merv

My first dive into the Unity Game Engine, where I learned how to work with its physics engine. Created everything.


IM 110 Final Project - Platformer - Of Lights and Bulbs

Created for IM110, the main focus was experimenting with 2D lighting. Was playtested through peer feedback and iterated to improve such. Contains a procedurally animated player, physics-based movement, proper difficulty scaling, camera feedback, dynamic environments, multiple levels with new mechanics, proper sound and music implementation, and various usability mechanics that make the game enjoyable.

Game Concept Document


IM 160 Final Project - Level Design Puzzler - .Corporeal

Created for IM160, this project was to learn about level-design and creating a responsive two player co-op game. This game was also playtested throughout development as well as saw through several pitch and approval phases. The game features local split screen, multiple scene loading, physics-based interaction and movement via forces and raycasts, alongside other puzzle-based mechanics implemented via complex triggers and C# events. GitHub was used for collaborative version control.

Level Design Details Document

 Input System

IM 160 Course Work - C# learning assignments.

The first half of the IM 160 class included various C# learning practices, such as arrays, instantiation, string manipulation, loops, coroutines, Object-Oriented programming, constructors/destructors, inheritance, tilemapping, and scriptable objects. Also some shader experiments.

bouncing balls
 Input System

IM 289 Final Project - Backroads.

Backroads is an experimental first person driving psychological thriller, where players must navigate desert back roads while transporting a deadly virus. This game was ambitious for the course for it being the sole 3D game of its type as well as being more narritive focused compared to strictly gameplay progression. Various artwork was done to try and mimic what driving on empty roads was like. Tools were authored for other members to easily add events, with inheritance being used to make creating code-driven events easier. Path finding was used for certain events to ensure that everything was framed properly, further supporting the narrative. All UIs and 3D models were built to scale on a variety of displays, while still having good feedback to the player regarding what was currently happening.

Game Concept Document

 Input System

things that I do

about me

Hi! I'm Alec and I like to build intricate VR technology. I'm always looking to push boundaries of what can be experienced in VR and think that physics have a very important place in the future of games. I enjoy building games and have worked on several indie titles. Currently I'm a student at Bradley University and I plan on graduating in 2025 with a Bachelors in Computer Science and a concentration in game technology. In the future I would like to explore an entity component system approach to games and learn game engine development either in C++ or Rust.

When I'm not making games or working as a full time student I enjoy keeping and maintaining aquariums. I have bred anglefish, bred African cichlids, kept eels, sold plants that I've grown and created many large aquascapes. I also enjoy all things indie. I'm also teaching myself to work on cars and how to cook various meals. Some games that I've enjoyed are Mirror's Edge, Portal and BONEWORKS.



Unity - 4 years.

Superior skills in game physics and VR development. Various experiences in networking stack apis such as Photon, Normcore, and Netcode for GameObjects. Also experiences with low-level networking and transport writing. General Unity Developer.

C# - 4 years.

Primarily focused within the scope of Unity3D, but also some experiences with custom game engine writing.

Photoshop - 5 years.

Various skills involving texture editing, layering, photo editing, and more.

Premiere Pro - 2 years.

Picked up after VEGAS got bought by Magix. Edited several videos for classes and various company projects.

Blender - 3 years.

Started as an intro to thinking in 3D. Lots of experience with shading and tech art.

VEGAS - 4 years.

First time editing software used, became very familiar with it and did a lot video game montages.

Git and Plastic SCM - 3 years.

Worked on large scale projects using these version control softwares. This website is hosted on GitHub!

Web Development - 2 Months.

Made this website :)

Java - 4 Months.

Experience in CS101 and CS102 class.

C++ - 1 Year.

Self-Taught over the summer on various concepts including memory management, pointers, templates and various optimizations.

contact me

Email me! alec@quantumlionlabs.com

Contact me on Discord: alecpizz